Boards & Committees
Emerald Ash Borer Committee
Emerald Ash Borer Committee
Under the explicit direction and coordination of the Shaftsbury Tree Warden, the Emerald Ash Borer Committee is authorized and directed to assess the presence and condition of ash trees within the Town Right of Way on all Town roads; to assess the condition of other danger trees in direct proximity to the ash within the ROW; and to make recommendations to the Select Board and the DPW for the timing and means of the removal of the identified trees.
The Emerald Ash Borer Committee is further authorized to raise funds on the Town’s behalf related to emerald ash borer response efforts, and to solicit, screen, train and coordinate volunteer personnel.
Appointment and membership:
The Emerald Ash Borer Committee will be an ad hoc committee constituted of no less than five members appointed for 2-year terms; one representative from the Select Board; the DPW foreman; and the Shaftsbury Tree Warden who will serve as the Chair of the committee. Members will demonstrate one or more of the following: knowledge of and interest in trees; expertise in the management and removal of trees; and experience in community outreach/community organization.
Members of the Committee will be recommended by the Shaftsbury Tree Warden and appointed by the Select Board after being interviewed at a duly warned public meeting.