Town Departments
Public Works Department
Department of Public Works
Mike Yannotti - Department Foreman
(802) 681-7240
The Public Works Department consists of six full-time and one part-time employees responsible for road maintenance, and park maintenance.
The entire department is managed by the Town Administrator. The Road Foreman directs road maintenance and operations.
Shaftsbury's Road Foreman also inspects and approves all new roads or driveways before construction can begin.
Please refer to the
zoning permit application in the "forms" section for additional information on driveway specifications.
The Town of Shaftsbury currently maintains 70.28 miles of roads, of which 54.38 miles are gravel.
There are 15.85 miles of paved local roads and about 10.4 miles of State highways, not counting limited-access highways.
The Shaftsbury highways are classified as follows:
- 19.99 miles of class 2 roads
- 50.29 miles of class 3 roads
- 10.4 miles of State highway, not including limited access roads.
Shaftsbury Road Map
A class 2 road is defined as a road that connects one town to another through Shaftsbury.
A class 3 road is defined as all other roads not being class 2, pent or legal trails.