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Town of Shaftsbury, VT
PO Box 409
61 Buck Hill Road
Shaftsbury, Vermont 05262

Contact Numbers:

Phone: (802) 442-4038
Fax: (802) 442-0955
©2025 Town of Shaftsbury. All Rights Reserved.
town of shaftsbury vermont town seal

farm to table

Enhanced Energy Plan View the Plan

Meeting Times

The committee meets monthly at 6:00pm on the first Tuesday of each month at the municipal offices, unless otherwise noted on the Town calendar.
View Town Calendar

Home Boards & Committees Energy Committee

Energy Committee

a. To make ongoing recommendations to the Select Board on matters related to the planning and implementation of policies designed to reduce energy use, to transition to renewable energy sources and production, and to provide the Town with strategies for climate resilience; and

b. to provide to the citizens of Shaftsbury education, consultation and connections to State and local resources with regard to energy conservation, household renewable energy electric generation systems, renewable- and low-energy heating and cooling systems, and other means for transitioning households away from fossil fuels.

Each member of the Energy Committee should have expertise in one or more of the following areas:
• Design and construction of high performance buildings
• Photoelectric systems
• Design and construction of electrical systems
• Energy planning and/or management of the electrical grid
• Other renewable technologies such as biodiesel, geothermal systems, biomass heating, local food systems and the like
• Community engagement

Vermont Programs to Help Reduce Your Family's Energy Burden
Most of these programs are free and/or income based.

BROC's free Home Weatherization
The Green Savings Smart
Efficiency Vermont's Assistance
The Weatherization Repayment Assistance

Town Calendar

a vermonters guide to recycling e-waste

a vermonters guide to recycling plastics

a vermonters guide to recycling

view vermont recycling laws

a vermonters guide to recycling e-waste

a vermonters guide to recycling plastics

a vermonters guide to recycling

view vermont recycling laws

Commission Members

Andrea E. Bacchi - Chair
Bill Christian - Vice Chair
Wayn Goodman


Related Documents

Meeting Minutes & Zoom Recordings

Recent Zoom Recordings

We will share Zoom links to our recorded public meetings in compliance with Act 133 (S.55) of the Vermont Open Meeting Law, effective July 1, 2024. These links will be available for at least 30 days.

01-07 - 02-04

Committee Minutes

Notice: All minutes on this website are considered DRAFT unless approved without amendment in the following meeting. Otherwise, minutes are amended as detailed in the following meeting’s minutes. Please check the minutes immediately following any minutes you download before considering any minutes true and correct.

Current Committee Minutes

01-07.pdf 02-04.pdf


Town of Shaftsbury, VT

PO Box 409
61 Buck Hill Road 05262
Phone: (802) 442-4038
Fax: (802) 442-0955
Contact Us
Cole Hall Office Links

Town Administrator

Town Clerk

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All Rights Reserved.