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Town of Shaftsbury, VT
PO Box 409
61 Buck Hill Road
Shaftsbury, Vermont 05262

Contact Numbers:

Phone: (802) 442-4038
Fax: (802) 442-0955
©2024 Town of Shaftsbury. All Rights Reserved.
town of shaftsbury vermont town seal

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Meeting Times

The Board meets at 6:00pm on the first and the third Wednesday of the month, and when necessary. Additional meetings will be posted on the Town Calendar.
View Town Calendar

Home Boards & Committees Development Review Board

Development Review Board

The Development Review Board (DRB) hears appeals resulting from decisions of the zoning administrator, and grants or denies variances to the zoning bylaws. 24 V.S.A. 4464, 4468.

Shaftsbury's zoning bylaws have been developed by the planning commission and approved by the selectboard. The five members and two alternates of the Development Review Board are appointed by the selectboard for staggered three-year terms.

Shaftsbury zoning bylaws state that the Development Review Board may grant variances, and render a decision in favor of an appellant, if all the following facts are found by the Board and such finding is specified in its decision:

Watch Meetings

watch town meetings on youtube, facebook or cattv live

Town Calendar

watch town meetings on youtube, facebook or cattv live

Board Members

Sarah Costin
(3 yr - exp: 2025)
Michael Day - Chair
(3 yr - exp: 2025)
James Browe
(3 yr - exp: 2025)
Zoe Contros Kearl
(3 yr - exp: 2025)
Tedd Habberfield - Vice Chair
(2 yr - exp: 2025)

Sarah Costin
(3 yr - exp: 2025)
Michael Day - Chair
(3 yr - exp: 2025)
James Browe
(3 yr - exp: 2025)
Zoe Contros Kearl
(3 yr - exp: 2025)
Tedd Habberfield - Vice Chair
(2 yr - exp: 2025)


Related Documents

Board Minutes

Notice: All minutes on this website are considered DRAFT unless approved without amendment in the following meeting. Otherwise, minutes are amended as detailed in the following meeting’s minutes. Please check the minutes immediately following any minutes you download before considering any minutes true and correct.

Current Board Minutes

01-03.pdf 01-17.pdf 02-21.pdf 06-05.pdf


Town of Shaftsbury, VT

PO Box 409
61 Buck Hill Road 05262
Phone: (802) 442-4038
Fax: (802) 442-0955
Contact Us
Cole Hall Office Links

Town Administrator

Town Clerk

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All Rights Reserved.