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Town of Shaftsbury, VT
PO Box 409
61 Buck Hill Road
Shaftsbury, Vermont 05262

Contact Numbers:

Phone: (802) 442-4038
Fax: (802) 442-0955
©2025 Town of Shaftsbury. All Rights Reserved.
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Home Welcome to Shaftsbury Recreation

Recreation: Hiking trails, regional fishing map, hunting information, our Green Mountain National Forest and much more. Plus a bit about our ghost town, Glastenbury.

"I was brought up to believe that land is a trust and that we are all responsible for taking care of this earth."

- Liz Putnam, Founder in 1953 of the Student Conservation Association, Shaftsbury Resident

In addition to outdoor recreational opportunities, the Town of Shaftsbury has a number of recreational facilities available to citizens and visitors. The Shaftsbury recreation committee also does many activites all year long to enhance life in Shaftsbury.

Cleveland Ave park offers a playscape, T-ball size baseball diamond, and relaxing green space in the village center.

Related Links

Bennington Recreation Center
swimming, playground, gym
Doornof Farm
498 LaClair Rd - horse boarding
Green Mountain National Forest
Kimberly Farms
camps, trail rides, lessons
Lake Paran
Lake Shaftsbury
Linda Tilgner Memorial Nature Trail
Nature Trail that runs through Howard Park.
Regional Fishing Map
Robert Frost Trail
Shanderhof Farm
riding school
Trail Finder
VT Fish & Wildlife
Woodford State Park

Bennington Hiking Trails

Howard Park is located on Buck Hill Road and has baseball fields, tennis courts, playing fields, and dog walking opportunities. Through Howard Park runs the Linda Tilgner Memorial Nature Trail, illustrated here by local students in a Trail Guide and Brochure. There is a playground located on Cleveland Avenue, and a trout hatchery is located on Route 67 where you can see the absolutely huge trout that provide the eggs for thousands of trout every year as well as growing ponds for the younger trout.

Horses and horseback riding have figured prominently in Shaftsbury’s history. Once essential, but still an honored component, horses are part of our picturesque agricultural background. Trail rides, horse boarding, and riding instruction are all available at farms located around the town such as at Kimberly Farms and Shanderhof Farm.

The beautiful Lake Shaftsbury State Park offers seasonal recreation; swimming, hiking, picnicking, and canoeing.

To access the Green Mountain National Forest, use the Kelley Stand Road in East Arlington to access hiking trails, Grout Pond, Branch Pond, and many others.


Town of Shaftsbury, VT

PO Box 409
61 Buck Hill Road 05262
Phone: (802) 442-4038
Fax: (802) 442-0955
Contact Us
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All Rights Reserved.