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Town of Shaftsbury, VT
PO Box 409
61 Buck Hill Road
Shaftsbury, Vermont 05262

Contact Numbers:

Phone: (802) 442-4038
Fax: (802) 442-0955
©2024 Town of Shaftsbury. All Rights Reserved.
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Home Town Government Town Officials Trustees of Public Funds

Trustees of Public Funds

Rob Steuer - Chair
(802) 447-3137 (3 yr - exp: 2027)
William J Hession
(3 yr - exp: 2026)
Rosemary Smith
(3 yr - exp: 2025)

Rob Steuer - Chair
(802) 447-3137 (3 yr - exp: 2027)
William J Hession
(3 yr - exp: 2026)
Rosemary Smith
(3 yr - exp: 2025)

Related Documents

Trustees Statements for Year Ending

Trustees of public funds shall be elected from among the legal voters at the annual meeting if the town so directs. The duty of the three trustees is to manage real or personal property held by the town in trust for any purpose.

24 V.S.A. 2431, specifically grants the trustees of public funds responsibility for cemetery trust funds. If trustees of public funds are elected, they have primary responsibility for the investment of the cemetery funds and for the annual reporting on them.

The trustees have the duty and authority to manage public funds, including the authority to:
  • Apply the income to its designated purpose.
  • Create deeds and contracts.
  • Lease, sell or convey real estate and invest the proceeds.
  • Lend money and hold deeds and mortgages.
  • Invest in certain bonds and shares.
  • Hold, purchase, sell, assign, transfer and dispose of securities and investments and the proceeds of investments.


These funds result from payments made to the Town of Shaftsbury to provide for the perpetual care of cemetery lots. An amount for this purpose is included in the price of each lot sold. Monies received by the Town from this source become part of the principal of the fund and may not be used for any other purpose but to produce income for perpetual care. This income is used by the town for cemetery care under the supervision of the Selectboard. The annual net income from this fund is remitted to the Town of Shaftsbury after the close of the fiscal year.


An 1890 gift in trust by Calvin Huntington established the Huntington Cemetery Fund to provide income “to keep in repair the family gravestones of his relations in the town graveyard.” The Bennington Probate Court in 2000 appointed the Selectmen of the Town of Shaftsbury as successor trustees to the Huntington Cemetery Trust. The Select Board voted “to turn management of the Huntington Cemetery Fund over to the Trustees of Public Funds” at its June 20, 2005, meeting. The Trustees received the Huntington Fund in July 2005. The Huntington Fund principal may not be expended for any purpose. Income from the Huntington Fund may only be used for the stated purpose of the Fund.


The School Fund, derived from any payments or bequests to the Town of Shaftsbury School District, provides that the net income from the fund be paid annually to the school district.


All net income is paid annually upon request to the Mary Monroe Hawkins Memorial Library Association to purchase books for the library at the Shaftsbury Elementary School.


Land was conveyed to the North Bennington Cemetery Association in 1911 “…for the purpose of purchasing, acquiring and holding real and personal property to be used for and in connection with a cemetery or burial ground in Shaftsbury, Vermont; of selling and conveying lots therein; erecting of the necessary structures; soliciting and holding trust funds and making contracts for the perpetual care of burial lots therein, with authority to do all things requisite and proper to accomplish said purpose.” Since assuming responsibility for the cemetery in 2018, the annual net income from this fund is remitted to the Town of Shaftsbury after the close of the fiscal year.


In June 1994 the trustees received a check for $10,000 from the estate of Tirzah J. Sweet as an unrestricted bequest to the Mary Monroe Hawkins Memorial Library, located in the Shaftsbury Elementary School. Net income is credited to the fund. Monies from this fund are requested and disbursed at the discretion of the Mary Monroe Hawkins Memorial Library Association.


The Health Fund was dissolved in 2022. All investments were transferred to the Recreation Fund, per the Selectboard.


The Selectboard established this fund to function as an endowment providing income for use in supporting recreation projects in the Town of Shaftsbury. Prior town recreation saving accounts together with Howard Park contributions were either transferred or deposited into this fund to make up its principal. The annual net income from this fund is remitted to the Town of Shaftsbury after the close of the fiscal year for use by the recreation committee.


A 1919 will of Julia E. Mattison, a Shaftsbury resident established this fund. The Bennington Probate Court distributed the funds to the Town in a 1926 order following Ms. Mattison’s death. Fund income provides care, comfort and maintenance of any aged and needful women who are residents of the Town of Shaftsbury under the terms of Ms. Mattison's will. The Selectboard determines recipients of assistance from this fund at its discretion.


A generous legacy from a former resident, George W. Hawkins, established this fund in 1976. Net income is credited to the fund. The fund is unrestricted as to use and monies are disbursed at the discretion of the Selectboard. It has been the Selectboard’s policy to maintain a minimum principal of $80,000.


Florence Howard kindly bequeathed half of her estate to the town in 2017. The funds are to be earmarked for any use relating to Howard Park. The funds are invested to protect the principle while net income is reinvested back into the fund. The Selectboard has discretion over the use of the funds as they relate to Howard Park.


Town of Shaftsbury, VT

PO Box 409
61 Buck Hill Road 05262
Phone: (802) 442-4038
Fax: (802) 442-0955
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