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Welcome to Shaftsbury, Vermont

We are located near everything. Forest hiking, local food farms, historic architecture - you don't even have to leave the city limits. Covered bridges, colleges, arts and culture - you could get there by bicycle. New York, Boston, Montreal - half a day's drive. Or don't go anywhere - step out your door at night and let our dark skies bedazzle you with brilliant stars, planets and the Milky Way. Explore what Shaftsbury offers the beauty and quiet of rural living with city convenience within easy reach.

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VTRANS Informational Meeting - Future Culvert Project

Shaftsbury Town Road Improvements

The Selectboard has received questions over the last few months regarding road work. Most questions have to do with the depth of new ditching, culverts, and limited tree removal.

We would like to provide some background information that will help residents understand the reasoning behind the work being completed.

The first is the State issued Municipal Road General Permit whose terms we are required to meet.

The following link will bring you to a presentation by the Bennington Regional Commission in 2017 that provides an excellent introduction to ACT 64 and its mandates to Towns.
BCRC Presentation

Next is a map of all hydrologically connected roads in Shaftsbury. All purple sections represent segments, nearly the entire Town.

All these roads must meet the standards outlined in the attached Better Roads Manual. This is important not only for the MRGP but to receive our annual allocation of State Highway Funds which currently exceed $160,000 per year and grants available based on improving roads to meet the Statewide Standards.
Better Roads Manual

Finally some information on tree removal in the Town right of way and the often misunderstood definition of shade trees.
Tree Information

Questions on any of the documents can be directed to Mike Yannotti the DPW Foreman, the Town Administrator or any Selectperson.

Town Calendar