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Town of Shaftsbury, VT
PO Box 409
61 Buck Hill Road
Shaftsbury, Vermont 05262

Contact Numbers:

Phone: (802) 442-4038
Fax: (802) 442-0955
©2025 Town of Shaftsbury. All Rights Reserved.
town of shaftsbury vermont town seal

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Home Town Contacts

Contacting the Town
PO Box 409
61 Buck Hill Road 05262
Phone: (802) 442-4038
Fax: (802) 442-0955


shaftsbury staff

Town Administrator

(802) 442-4038 ext. 102
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shaftsbury staff

Operations Coordinator

(802) 442-4038 - office ext 106
(802) 384-8320 - mobile
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shaftsbury staff

Bookkeeper / Payroll

(802) 442-4038 ext. 105
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shaftsbury staff

Town Clerk

(802) 442-4038 ext. 100
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shaftsbury staff

Assessor Clerk

(802) 442-4038 ext. 103
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shaftsbury staff

Public Works Department Foreman

(802) 681-7240
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shaftsbury staff


(802) 442-4038 ext. 101
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shaftsbury staff

Zoning Administrator

(802) 442-4038 ext. 104
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shaftsbury staff

1st Constable

(802) 442-3071 - home
(802) 681-6118 mobile
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shaftsbury staff

2nd Constable

(802) 558-1948
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shaftsbury staff

Cemetery Superintendent

(802) 442-4038 - office ext 106
(802) 384-8320 - mobile
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shaftsbury staff

Fire Department - Chief

(802) 442-7307; cell: (802) 384-0061
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shaftsbury staff

Delinquent Tax Collector

(802) 379-2299
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shaftsbury staff

Animal Control Officer and Poundkeeper

(802) 442-3071 - home
(802) 681-6118 - mobile
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shaftsbury staff

Water Department

(802) 375-5621
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News: Local and State News

Stay informed and check the website often. We will place relevant town news here.


Town of Shaftsbury, VT

PO Box 409
61 Buck Hill Road 05262
Phone: (802) 442-4038
Fax: (802) 442-0955
Contact Us
Cole Hall Office Links

Town Administrator

Town Clerk

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©2025 Town of Shaftsbury
All Rights Reserved.