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Town of Shaftsbury, VT
PO Box 409
61 Buck Hill Road
Shaftsbury, Vermont 05262

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Phone: (802) 442-4038
Fax: (802) 442-0955
©2025 Town of Shaftsbury. All Rights Reserved.
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4th Sunday for Vets Program: Help with Headstone Cleaning!

Posted: March 6, 2025

We invite you to participate in a meaningful mission to honor our veterans by helping restore and preserve their final resting places. The new program, is called 4th Sunday for Vets. This initiative will focus on our five cemeteries, starting with Village Cemetery. headstone cleaning before Depending on the number of volunteers and the amount of work needed at each cemetery. On the 4th Sunday of each month - 9:00am-12:00pm (April-November - Weather Permitting). We will gather for a work party dedicated to cleaning and repairing the headstones of our military veterans. headstone cleaning after We will remain at Village Cemetery until every veteran's headstone is restored to the best of our ability. The duration may vary - taking a few weekends, or more based on many factors. Once the work at Village Cemetery is complete, we will move on to Center Cemetery, followed by Waite, Maple Hill, and finally, Grandview Cemetery.

Community involvement is crucial. The Cemetery Department has a Goal to finish this Project before Vermont's 250th Celebrations, when many tourist will be going through our beautiful cemeteries visiting our Revolutionary Soldiers' graves. What a wonderful time to take care of all Veterans' graves! Whether you can volunteer for just one day or multiple sessions, your efforts will make a lasting impact for our community. Join us as we work together to ensure that these honored Veterans rest in well-maintained and dignified surroundings.

The First Work Party of 2025 is (April 27th) at 9:00am in Village Cemetery.

Posted/Author: Jen Holley, Cemetery Superintendent

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