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Town of Shaftsbury, VT
PO Box 409
61 Buck Hill Road
Shaftsbury, Vermont 05262

Contact Numbers:

Phone: (802) 442-4038
Fax: (802) 442-0955
©2025 Town of Shaftsbury. All Rights Reserved.
town of shaftsbury vermont town seal

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Home Information Town Plan

Shaftsbury Town Plan

shaftsbury town plan

On August 25th, 2014, after a year and a half of meetings, hearings, and debates, the Shaftsbury Select Board officially adopted the new Town Plan during a special meeting. The final vote, which was a unanimous vote of all members present, came at the conclusion of the final public hearing on the plan. Both the planning commission and select board had held other public hearings throughout the spring.

A Town Plan is a statement of objectives, policies, and programs which guide the future growth and development of land, public services, and facilities while also protecting the environment. Town Plans must be updated every five (5) years. 24 V.S.A. Sec. 4382 (1) states Town Plans shall include the following elements:

  1. An assessment of current conditions;
  2. Inventories of population characteristics and distribution, including income and employment, housing needs, existing and estimated patterns of growth;
  3. a land use plan, consisting of a map and statements of prospective land uses;
  4. a transportation plan;
  5. a utilities and facilities plan;
  6. a statement of policies on the preservation of rare and irreplaceable natural areas, scenic and historic features, and resources;
  7. An educational facilities plan;
  8. Recommended means for implementation of Plan objectives;
  9. Statements addressing compatibility with Plans of neighboring towns;
  10. An energy plan;
  11. A housing element.

Town of Shaftsbury, VT

PO Box 409
61 Buck Hill Road 05262
Phone: (802) 442-4038
Fax: (802) 442-0955
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All Rights Reserved.