Town News & Announcements
Solid Waste Implementation Plan (SWIP) - Amendments
Posted: April 18, 2023
The Bennington County Solid Waste Alliance has made an Amendment to the Solid Waste Implementation Plan to include new household hazardous waste collection facility.
This memorandum outlines a request for the review and approval of amendments to the 2020 Solid Waste Implementation Plan (SWIP) (See Attachment 1), by the governing bodies of each of the member towns of The Bennington County Solid Waste Alliance (BCSWA). The amendments were approved by the BCSWA Board at the Feb. 1, 2023 BCSWA public meeting, and will update the SWIP to include the use of a permanent Household Hazardous Waste (HHW) collection facility that complies with state regulations. The amendments will become effective following approval of the Select Boards of the member Towns.
Review the SWIP Amendments Document.
Posted/Author: Cole Hall