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PO Box 409
61 Buck Hill Road
Shaftsbury, Vermont 05262

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Tree Tags added along Tilgner Trail

Posted: November 13, 2023

Tilgner Trail now sports a widened and well-maintained walking path, an interesting storyboard walk about birds, two new wren houses and a kestrel box, as well as tree tags identifying local tree species bordering the trail.

The tree identification project was initiated by the Recreation Committee with expert input from Jim White, our Tree Warden. Mr. White and members of the Committee, walked the trail and identified tree species. Tags were ordered and recently posted on corresponding trees. Engraved on each tag is the common name and the two part scientific name. Common names are how we refer to our local trees. Scientific names are written in Latin and include the genus and species. Botonists always refer to a specimen by its two-part name. That identifier remains the same anywhere on the planet but common names do not.

If you haven't walked Tilgner Trail, you are missing a lovely experience and time spent surrounded by nature. The tree identifiers, storyboard walk and bird houses add to the educational experience of your time outside!

Enjoy Howard Park and visit often,

Posted/Author: The Recreation Committee

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