Town News & Announcements
Press Release - New Title, New Job Responsibilities for Town Employee
Posted: July 1, 2024
Effective July 1st, Shaftsbury employee Jennifer Holley assumed the full time, newly-created position of Town Operations Coordinator. Holley was appointed to the position at a Special Meeting of the Select Board on June 10th.

The position involves oversight of four areas of the Town’s municipal functions: Assistant Clerk, Web Master, Cemetery Superintendent, and Operations.
Holley is familiar to anyone who has recently visited the Town Clerk’s office, inquired about a Town cemetery plot, attended a Select Board meeting, or intersected with the Town website or Facebook page: she has been serving part time as the Assistant Town Clerk, the Cemetery Superintendent and the Town Web Master. A multi-talented and committed worker, she has become indispensable to the daily workings of Cole Hall with her ability to solve a wide variety of problems, her extensive knowledge of computer software and on-line marketing, and her always-ready-to-dive-in approach to the team work involved in running a town. In her new position, she will continue all of her previous duties as well as serving as backup for some essential functions of other town employees. Town Administrator, Paula Iken, explains, “This is part of our new effort to build in what I call ‘necessary internal support.’ Few important critical functions of a municipal government should be in the hands of only one person. We are all subject to the whims of chance, and one of us might not be able to report to work some day; when that day arrives, we want Cole Hall to operate as usual.”
Posted/Author: Naomi Miller, Select Board Chair