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Town of Shaftsbury, VT
PO Box 409
61 Buck Hill Road
Shaftsbury, Vermont 05262

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Shaftsbury Select Board Approves Updated Open Meetings Policy

Posted: August 23, 2024

SHAFTSBURY - The Select Board adopted an updated open meetings policy on Monday.

The vote was 5-0. The policy is in keeping with Vermont's Open Meeting Law with Act 133 (S.55), which was updated on July 1.

"Ensuring that public meetings remain open and accessible is the governing value that prompts the creation of this policy," it states. "The Shaftsbury Select Board recognizes that hybrid and remote access to meetings can strengthen civic engagement and support transparent, efficient decision-making. This policy will ensure that public meetings are open and accessible for all Shaftsbury citizens. This policy also promotes transparency and uniformity in public access."

The new Shaftsbury policy applies to all public meetings held by the town's boards and committees, including both "non-advisory" and "advisory" bodies.

Notices of public meetings will continue to be provided in advance of meetings. This includes posting on the town's website, at Cole Hall, and at the Shaftsbury and North Bennington Post Offices. "They will also be emailed to various Town Officials and The Bennington Banner, in the spirit of public awareness," the policy states.

Regarding location, "except in the event of exigent circumstances, all meetings of boards and committees will be held at the designated public location of Cole hall, in the second-floor meeting room. Virtual attendance options, like Zoom, will be available for all said meetings, along with public access to the web link."

The town uses Zoom for mutual meetings. The policy requires that all meetings be recorded on the virtual site and then be posted on the town's website. These platform links will be available for at least 30 days. "Minutes will be approved and posted promptly, usually at the same time as the recording. However, we may post the recording first," the policy states.

According to the Vermont Secretary of State's website, the legislation that passed temporarily permitting all public bodies to hold fully remote meetings expired on July 1. This was allowed in response to the COVID-19 pandemic. Building on lessons learned, the Legislature updated the Open Meeting Law "to recognize that hybrid and remote access to meetings can strengthen civic engagement and support transparent, efficient decision-making."

In case of an emergency the town policy allows for entirely remote meetings in order to ensure public access to information.

"If there is an equipment failure on our end, all scheduled meetings will proceed, and we will repair or replace said equipment as soon as possible.," he policy states. "The scheduled meeting will not be canceled."

In a related matter, the town will start sending out a monthly newsletter by email to those who sign up to receive it.

"We have a new town newsletter," said Board Chair Naomi Miller. "It will keep people interested in what's happening and also it will be a mechanism for people to learn about good things and bad things. It's a way to reach out to people."

The newsletter has not been published yet. It will come out once a month. The town is collecting emails of those residents interested in receiving it. In addition, the town has a Facebook page with 340 members, "Town of Shaftsbury, VT - News from Cole Hall." Town Operations Coordinator Jennifer Holley said that not everyone uses Facebook and the newsletter is a way to contact them, also. The town will also eventually be able to contact by test, in case of emergencies and other very important situations, those who submit their cell phone numbers, she said.

Compliments of: The Bennington Banner
Posted/Author: Mark Rondeau

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