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Energy-Related Email Campaign Meant to Help Residents Save Money and Save the Environment

Posted: September 12, 2024

SHAFTSBURY - Town officials discussed ways to provide residents with relevant energy-related information, including through an email campaign, at Monday's Select Board meeting.

Andrea Bacchi, chair of the town Energy Committee, said the committee had gotten a $4,000 state Municipal Energy Resilience Program (MERP) grant and would like to spend part of it to start an informational email campaign on energy matters.

At first, the thought was that the campaign would be monthly.

"I think it's going to end up being bi-weekly because there's so much information that needs to come out (so) that residents and everybody gets the information needed around energy initiatives and programs that are available to save money, [and] to save the environment at the same time," she said.

The email campaign would utilize a program such as Mail Chimp or Constant Contact. The emails would contain such information as news about upcoming events, rebate opportunities, and various helpful website links.

"Essentially, I would put together the emails, and then the committee would look over them, because me being in marketing, and the energy experts being in energy, they will be able to give me feedback and make sure that we're on the right track," she said.

She also would like the committee to produce a list of energy resources in Vermont which could be placed on the town website. If in a PDF format, it could also be printed out and placed in the Town Clerk's office so that those not digitally connected would have access to it.

"But for right now, we're going to start with an email campaign, and it'll not only have the information in the email but it'll essentially direct a lot of people to our own town website, as well as other websites that make sense," Bacchi said. "I think it'll be really be beneficial, not just for the residents, but also for the Select Board, so that everybody knows ... because the mission of the Energy Committee is not only to make recommendations to the Select Board, but also give information and educate the public."

Board members gave their assent to the plan.

"The second piece of our agenda under the Energy Committee is discussing what to do about the position of the energy coordinator, which is a position, although on the books, has been inactive for many years. And it is, in fact, a component of the recommendation from the enhanced energy plan," said Select Board Chair Naomi Miller. "That little recommendation piece was that we should make an Energy Committee, and we have done that, and they are up and running, as we see. The second part was that we should appoint an energy coordinator."

There has been someone appointed to the volunteer town position but their term has long since expired.

Miller thought the position should be filled by an energy specialist from the town Energy Committee, "since that person knows what's going on and keeping an eye on things as a member of the committee anyway."

The person would report to the Select Board on energy matters and create an annual report that would be part of the annual town report. They would also make a report at Town Meeting on the situation of energy resources in town and what town officials are doing in relation to what they recommend the town should be doing. The energy coordinator could also make quick recommendations when needed, Miller said.

"So in a sense, once you have an Energy Committee, (the) energy coordinator, as I understand it, serves as the liaison to the public and the Select Board, town manager, and it's supposed to be an energy expert, because there's supposed to be somebody that, if we needed a sudden opinion on something, we could call," Miller said.

Miller asked Bacchi to ask if one of the energy specialists on the Energy Committee would be willing to serve as energy coordinator. Bacchi said she would. Miller said the Energy Committee could make recommendations to tailor the duties of the coordinator to fit the needs of Shaftsbury.

During the public comment segment of the meeting, Bacchi spoke about the Renewable Energy Vermont Conference, which will be held on Wednesday and Thursday, Oct. 16-17, in Burlington. One can find more information and register on the Renewable Energy Vermont website. There are discounts for members of town committees. There will be a large number of speakers on relevant topics.

"I think it's a really important conference that people should know about. So, I'm just putting it out there," she said.

She recommended that the information about the conference be put on the town website.

"I'm going to be there, so I'm definitely going to get a lot of information and bring it back," she said.

According to the Renewable Energy Vermont website, "for over 20 years, the REV conference has been the place to gather in northern New England to collectively discuss innovations in renewable energy policy, technology, and implementation. Attendees include business leaders, policymakers, financiers, installers, facility managers, students, advocates, and concerned citizens who are dedicated to plotting the path to our 100 percent renewable energy future."

Compliments of: The Bennington Banner
Posted/Author: Mark Rondeau

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