Town News & Announcements
Posted: February 2, 2025
Do you know someone deserving of this special recognition for things they have done to better the lives of Shaftsbury residents or the region?
Please nominate and tell us what makes this deserving person eligible to be Shaftsbury's next 'Ordinary Hero' by sharing some information about this individual including name, when they became a Shaftsbury resident, background and the reason you are nominating this person.
Please mail to SHS, PO Box 401, Shaftsbury, VT 05262, drop off this nomination to any Shaftsbury Historical Society officer or trustee, or email to shaftsburyhistoricalsociety@comcast.net so that we can create an event celebrating this recognition.
Deadline for submissions is March 1st, 2025. The Society will then meet and go through the nomination process and pick one of, we hope, many nominations to be this year's 'Ordinary Hero'.
We know Shaftsbury has many deserving people. If you have any questions about this special request please contact the Society and we will assist in any way.
Thank you,
Shaftsbury Historical Society
Posted/Author: Shaftsbury Historical Society